the Time Capsule
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Current Server Time 2024-04-23 09:08:21
Time to open it *
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Sealed with Dogecoin The ellipsis... ending with an exclamation mark!Age: 86 months

Sealed in 11 February 2015 21:39:15 Opened at: 01 March 2022 17:00:00
At this day the little e. became а capital one. At this day the long term ellipsis between e. and s. was filled with letters ...n ...d ... l...e...s :.. the distance now seems to be endless but there was one sweet sweet unforgettable unique exclamation mark, that e. will always remember. Thank you s. , i wish you the biggest luck, which will transform every your question mark into colon, followed by a nicely curved bracket :) Thank you for all the little stars and pluses, that made this 4 years in school with you - an cosy, soft and soul-cuddling dream. Thank you for everything, i will always love you <3 and remember - on the other side of the dash there will be always an E. ready to hElp when you nEEd :)
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