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Hey there! MyselfAge: 19 months

Sealed in 21 November 2021 11:36:39 Opened at: 20 June 2023 12:15:00
It's now 21 of November and you're 22. I hope you had already a good life while reading this today. I always pray for your happiness. You know, I wanna tell u something 'coz back now you're inlove with someone who's impossible when I am just here, is it really hard to love me then? I'm looking forward to someday that you said when everything's settled down, I'll be your priority. I don't know what you mean by your saying you'll take all back that has taken away from you including me. You said, you'll find me in any ways but it seems I'm the one who's chasing you. You're looking far away when I am just right here beside you. I guess, you're still waiting for him. He maybe already forget about you. Stop waiting, I know how much everyday how it breaks your heart because of him. He maybe busy with his own life. You have to move on and set him free. You said it aches you inside because you can't remember anything about him anymore but you're still hoping. You two never had a promised. Is that why you're too lazy right now? Because you never had a reason to live despite the fact that you already know the truth. You are fool. Because you can't keep yourself to go on. Don't wait for him. He would never come back for you. Those memories you are holding on were really never existed.

Plss wake up because I am still here rooting for you that you can do it. Our God is enough, Hanna.

It's okay. :)
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