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Sealed with Dogecoin "The Island" (2005) predictions: The wealthy people will sponsor producing of their clones, who are used for organ harvesting and surrogate motherhoodAge: 58 months

Sealed in 05 October 2014 21:07:15 Opened at: 11 July 2019 08:00:00
In the year 2019, Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta live with others in an isolated compound. Their community is governed by a set of strict rules. The residents believe that the outer world has become too contaminated for human life with the exception of one island. Every week a lottery is conducted and the winner gets to leave the compound to live on the island.

Lincoln begins having dreams that include memories that he knows are not from his own experiences. Dr. Merrick, a scientist who runs the compound, is concerned and places probes in Lincoln's body to monitor his cerebral activity. While secretly visiting an off-limits power facility in the basement where his friend, technician James McCord, works, Lincoln discovers a live moth in a ventilation shaft, leading him to deduce that the outside world is not really contaminated. Lincoln follows the moth to another section, where he discovers that the "lottery" is actually a disguise to remove inhabitants from the compound, where the "winner" is then used for organ harvesting, surrogate motherhood, and other purposes for each one's sponsor, who is identical to them in appearance.

Merrick learns that Lincoln has discovered the truth, which forces Lincoln to escape. Meanwhile, Jordan has been selected for the island. Lincoln and Jordan manage to escape the facility, where they emerge in an Arizona desert. He explains the truth to her, and they set out to learn the truth of their world. Merrick hires Burkinabé mercenary Albert Laurent to hunt them down, and explains that he needs the clones conscious in the compound, as otherwise their organs inevitably fail.

The full plot:
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