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Dear Future MeAge: 24 months

Sealed in 22 September 2019 02:10:09 Opened at: 22 September 2021 14:30:00

Future Natalya of 2021
Dear Future Self.

Its you but from the past, writing to you.
What does our life look like 2 years from now?
I Imagine us living in a Modern High Rise Apartment looking down towards the Shimmering ocean of blue and it’s glorious Vastness through the large, monumental crystal clear windows.
Fully furnished with Diy Projects and upholstered pre-loved items.
I imagine that we have freedom, and that we are living a life that we love, doing things that we enjoy every day, such as painting, drawing, writing stories, singing and dancing, sewing and attempting all things creative.
I imagine that we are on a healthy Vegan Diet, blessed with an Abundance of Nutritious food.
Please don’t tell me that you’re slaving away in a retail job or fast food joint, and please tell me that you’ve got that Etsy Business all sorted out because If you haven’t then I am Highly Disappointed in you.

I imagine having sleepovers with Aj, building Blanket forts, having cooking competitions, going for nature walks, attempting creative disasters and wearing matching Pajamas. I love that boy so much, how is school going for him? Has he made any good friends? Does he attend any extra curricular activities?.
He went to his third Karate lesson Yesterday, does he still do Karate?.

I imagine us putting our talents to work, gifting homemade or revamped old toys to less fortunate Children.
Possibly helping struggling parents by making care packages for them.
Do we do any charitable work? What have we done to make a difference in the world?.
Have we joined any extra activities such as Women’s self defence, Yoga, etc.?

I imagine that we have a vast wardrobe full of home sewn Floral garments and home sewn rag curl strips so we can curl our hair everyday.
I imagine that we have a reliable beauty regime with eco friendly vegan Products or homemade diy projects.

Here are just a few Questions that I have gathered for you.
Do we use reusable Sanitary Pads?
Have we found True love yet?
Have we lost our Virginity? And have we any children?.
Do Mum and Dad have a Grandchild yet?.
What’s the state of the Amazon Forest looking like? And are there any new Diseases?
Are there any animals that still exist in my time that have been extinct?.

I have so many Questions.

Well now future self I will close off this letter with a few hopes I have for you.
future me I lovingly hope that you get all the sunlight and fresh air that you need.
I lovingly hope that you learn how to take pride in your appearance and show yourself off to the world,
You are beautiful the way you are, so don’t hide Yourself away from the world.
If you want to wear makeup than wear makeup, If you want to wear floral dresses and curl your hair everyday than do exactly that, and if you haven’t got the money than just remember that there are limitless ways to make money and most Importantly, remember that ‘Money should serve you, not the other way around’.
If you want to make friends than treat everyone, even strangers as if they’re your friend.
If you want to be treated a particular way than demonstrate those behaviours to others in your daily life.
If you want to do anything in your life than just remember how incredibly special and important you are and believe that you can achieve whatever it is that you desire.
Never lose hope and always keep that vision of your best positive life nice and vibrant in your visual mind.

Sending you lots of love.
Natalya from your Past.
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