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Sealed with Dogecoin China's Tianwen-1 mission reaches Mars orbitAge: 5 days

Sealed in 05 February 2021 02:13:13 Opened at: 10 February 2021 02:00:00
If successful, Tianwen-1 will be the first Mars mission to drop a landing platform, deploy a rover, and send a spacecraft into the planet's orbit all in one expedition.

Chinese state media reports that the spacecraft is set to fall into Martian orbit on February 10, according to After the orbiter spends a couple months surveying the landing site, it should drop the lander — with the rover inside — to a vast field of volcanic rock called Utopia Planitia.

The rover is equipped with a radar system that can detect underground pockets of water. It aims to sniff out ancient reservoirs that could harbor life. It will also help China prepare for a mission to bring a sample from Mars to Earth.

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