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Current Server Time 2024-04-28 14:58:25
Time to open it *
Opened capsules Opened 6028
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Sealed with Dogecoin Letter to my future selfAge: 12 months

Sealed in 25 October 2022 21:29:49 Opened at: 30 October 2023 07:30:00
Happy birthday! I can't believe ur 12! It's Talia. I hope we still have Ruby and the guinea pigs. It's my bd in 5 days, i'm very excited. mum is making the same cake I had for my 11th. I haven't had a bd party since what happened at my 9th, but i'm doing a bowling party and then we're going to a restauraunt. Heidi, Kendra, Sophie and Yoana are coming. I feel like it will be awkward for Yoana bc she will be the only person from primary school , I hope she makes friends with them. Are u still friends with them?
Read this on ur bd. Baii!
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