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Sealed in 19 November 2020 20:09:56
Opened at: 19 November 2020 20:09:56
A Laptop is small, portable personal computer, typically having a thin LCD or LED computer screen laptops are folded shut for transportation , and thus are suitable for mobile use. Its name comes from lap, as it was demand to be placed on a persons lap when being used. Today, laptops are commonly used in a variety of setting such as at work, in education, for playing games, web browsing for media and general home computer use. laptops combine all the input and out put components which including display, speakers, a key board and data sortage device laptop designed to be smaller and lighter than computer. It weights between 0.5 and 2kg. Also, a laptops battery is charged using an external power supply, which is plugged into a wall out let. in addition, laptops are much quieter than desktops. Finally, laptops are the most useful and wonderful invention of the modern age.
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