The ephemeral life of the ephemeral Boris. Age: 14 months
Sealed in 05 March 2020 22:35:44
Opened at: 03 May 2021 21:30:00
Dear Boris Pavlikovsky,
I hope you haven't fallen for another fictional character. Really. You have to stop doing that, even though it's impossible.
I assume that you're still alive, right? Those psychological problems can be so hard sometimes, but pls don't give up! So, be true, be brave, stand...and don't forget: you are a loser, and you always will be. Wow! You'd better have an another version of the "Losers Club", otherwise i'll throw you into the lake.
I wonder if you have had freaked out at March 14th. Or at Lou's concert. Or at Hazza's concert. I hope you have had the best time of your life at those days!
Remember: Your hair is winter fire/ January embers/ My heart burns there too.
Now I have to go. Peace!
Boris Pavlikovsky.
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