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Sealed with Dogecoin The City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria hosts "Europe’s Capital of Culture 2019"Age: 52 months

Sealed in 04 October 2014 17:32:09 Opened at: 31 December 2018 22:00:00
Plovdiv is the oldest living city in Europe, which has survived the winds of time through 8 millenniums. Kendros, Eumolpias, Philippoupolis, Pulpudeva, Trimontium, Puldin, Filibe. All this is the present-day city of Plovdiv. The story began about 8000 years ago, when on the hill today known as Nebet tepe, to the River Maritsa, was created the first settlement on the territory of the modern city.

In June 1985 The Council of the European Union establish the initiative "Europe's Capital of Culture" as a tool helping the cohesion of the European nations. It was initiated by Melina Mercouri. In the period after 1985 more than 40 cities have been designated European Capitals of Culture – from Stockholm to Genoa, from Athens to Glasgow, from Krakow to Porto.

In 2014 the independent selection panel responsible for assessing the Bulgarian cities competing to be European Capital of Culture in 2019 has recommended that Plovdiv should be awarded the title. The other three cities short-listed after the initial selection round in December 2013 were Sofia, Varna and Veliko Turnovo. The formal nomination of Plovdiv by the EU’s Council of Ministers is expected to take place in May 2015.

In accordance with the Decision of the European Parliament and the EU’s Council of Ministers which sets out the criteria for the European Capital of Culture, Bulgaria and Italy are the two Member States which will share the title in 2019. One Italian city will be awarded the prestigious title. The results will be announced on October 17, and until then we wish the best of luck to all six candidates: Cagliari, Lecce, Matera, Perugia, Ravenna, and Siena!

More detailed info about the winner Plovdiv:
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