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Current Server Time 2024-04-20 03:46:30
Time to open it *
Opened capsules Opened 6015
Sealed capsules Sealed 1588
Sealed in 05 November 2023 01:43:36
Opened at: 08 November 2023 12:00:00


Age: 3 days Observers 0 Views : 116
Sealed in 03 November 2023 17:51:19
Opened at: 07 November 2023 12:00:00


Age: 4 days Observers 0 Views : 116
Sealed in 13 September 2022 12:41:30
Opened at: 06 November 2023 00:00:00
in 5 years

In 5 years - I will be healthy and very happy.

Age: 14 months Observers 0 Views : 122
Sealed in 27 October 2023 10:06:01
Opened at: 03 November 2023 12:00:00


Age: 1 week Observers 0 Views : 143
Sealed in 31 October 2023 15:02:06
Opened at: 31 October 2023 15:02:06
Sealed with Dogecoin

hey yalll its me everyone this world needs to be restored put more time capsules about the earth right now

Age: 0 minute Observers 0 Views : 160
Sealed in 14 September 2023 20:59:23
Opened at: 31 October 2023 00:00:00


Age: 2 months Observers 0 Views : 115 Owner: epona
Owner: epona
Sealed in 25 October 2022 21:29:49
Opened at: 30 October 2023 07:30:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Letter to my future self

Happy birthday! I can't believe ur 12! It's Talia. I hope we still have Ruby and the guinea pigs. It's my bd in 5 days, i'm very excited. mum is making the same cake I had for my 11th. I haven't had a bd party since what happened at my 9th, but i'm doing a bowling party and then we're going to a restauraunt. Heidi, Kendra, Sophie and Yoana are coming. I feel like it will be awkward for Yoana bc she will be the only person from primary school , I hope she makes friends with them. Are u still friends with them?
Read this on ur bd. Baii!

Age: 12 months Observers 0 Views : 129
Sealed in 25 October 2022 21:29:45
Opened at: 30 October 2023 07:30:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Letter to my future self

Happy birthday! I can't believe ur 12! It's Talia. I hope we still have Ruby and the guinea pigs. It's my bd in 5 days, i'm very excited. mum is making the same cake I had for my 11th. I haven't had a bd party since what happened at my 9th, but i'm doing a bowling party and then we're going to a restauraunt. Heidi, Kendra, Sophie and Yoana are coming. I feel like it will be awkward for Yoana bc she will be the only person from primary school , I hope she makes friends with them. Are u still friends with them?
Read this on ur bd. Baii!

Age: 12 months Observers 0 Views : 129
Sealed in 29 October 2023 16:40:05
Opened at: 29 October 2023 16:40:05
Neshanic Noodnicks Week #8 Pick

Neshanic Noodnicks Week #8 Pick is PHILADEPHIA

Age: 0 minute Observers 0 Views : 128
Sealed in 29 October 2020 00:14:23
Opened at: 28 October 2023 19:00:00
Letter from Freshman Zack (2020)

Dear Zack,

3 years ago today on Oct. 28, 2020 I am being forced to write this letter to my future self because Sruti (VUceptor) is making us. We are coming to the end of this pandemic-driven 1st semester of college. Classes are pretty easy except for multivariable and CS1101 whose programs take so long.
My crew right now is Brett Reamon, Ben Sensing, Caleb Setser, and Sung Jun who I hang out with most weekends. Should be interesting to see if I continue to be friends with them as a senior.
I checked out a few frats this semester. I like ATO (Cole and Cory Rappaport are in it - Big FYSH). I went to Lambda Chi as well but they were just your average frat boys except much less cool. I was thinking about ZBT and Matt Nelson (club baseball prez) invited me to a dinner, but when I found out Kaylan Robinson, Anish, Chris Vogel, and Ryan Barsby (floor mates) got bids, I decided against going because they drink and party too much for me.
As far as clubs, I got rejected from DSP, AKPsi, and VIC. I am only in Vandy Finance Club whose president, Reagan, is hilariously unprofessional.
I am living in Lupton room 1326 right now which I wouldn't say is nice but it is livable.
I am currently looking for summer internships. I think I want to pursue Investment Banking, so at the time my future self is reading this, I will either have a job offer or probably have moved on to something else entirely.
The 2020 election is in a week and the country is definitely anxious considering Trump is threatening to contest an election that hasn't ocurred yet and Biden is definitely too old to be a good president. But just have to pick the worse of 2 evils. Right now are kind of starting the 3rd spike in the virus-- ~80k cases a day which is scary.
I am going to Centennial SportsPlex to work out because the Rec is closed.

See ya in a few years,
Freshman Zack

Age: 36 months Observers 0 Views : 131 Owner: Zack Shatsky
Owner: Zack Shatsky

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