the Time Capsule
The Online Time Capsule

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* It's Free. No registration is needed. No subscription. No need of shovel or digging.
Has a doge icon and supports us. You can send ANY amount of dogecoin. Donation adress: DKJGUDaeMnjqW28hwPftiAtXMoYpthzrf6
Current Server Time 2024-09-19 01:20:19
Time to open it *
Opened capsules Opened 6331
Sealed capsules Sealed 1521
Sealed in 12 June 2014 21:49:41
Opened at: 12 June 2014 22:00:00
All the shibes

Lets predict the dogecoin price

Age: 10 minutes Observers 0 Views : 1404
Sealed in 12 June 2014 21:42:43
Opened at: 12 June 2014 21:42:43
Our project is going live

This project will go live in 2 hours

Age: 0 minute Observers 0 Views : 1509
Sealed in 09 June 2014 22:38:04
Opened at: 09 June 2014 22:45:00
Yay Tent Camping

Will go tent camping with my old co-workers by the end of june

Age: 7 minutes Observers 0 Views : 1492
Sealed in 09 June 2014 22:36:24
Opened at: 09 June 2014 22:45:00
Sealed with Dogecoin My graduation

I will graduate until 2015

Age: 9 minutes Observers 0 Views : 1402
Sealed in 09 June 2014 21:43:17
Opened at: 09 June 2014 21:45:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Doges

The Doges are optional but nice to have next you your time capsule

Age: 2 minutes Observers 0 Views : 1410
Sealed in 09 June 2014 21:10:38
Opened at: 09 June 2014 21:30:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Hey guys!

Hey this is the first capsule to ever open.

So i want to say thanks to visiting and enjoy.

Age: 19 minutes Observers 0 Views : 1370

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