I will keep carts, cell phone, dolls, coins and bills
Hazardous asteroids pose a risk to life on Earth, but it's difficult to track dangerous asteroids, and harder yet to divert catastrophe if one is found to be careening toward Earth.
NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) will test one method for deflecting killer space rocks. The spacecraft should travel to a pair of asteroids called Didymos (which pose no threat to Earth) to demonstrate what NASA calls the "kinetic impactor" technique.
That simply means that DART will crash head-on into the smaller asteroid, which is about 525 feet wide, in order to push it into a closer orbit around the larger asteroid.
The Mission: https://www.nasa.gov/planetarydefense/dart
Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/
udah bisa beljar biologi belum??? SEMANGAT YUKK jangan kecewain mama oke???!
i want to open my own gym
I want have my own gym
2 Minggu kedepan mau rajin nonton video belajar di brain academy(riwayatnya)
1. Nyelesaiin rangkuman live teaching
2.hari minggu mau menikmati hari libur buat hilangin stres
3.mau main bulu tangkis
4.nyelesaiin tugas kelompok
- Pahami materi /pelajari mengulang
- Komitmen untuk belajar sesuai jadwal
- Latihan UTBK setiap weekend
Buat Ester,
Ter,kamu jangan insecure lah,kau pasti insecure,kau pasti takut,kek diejek Clara lah,davin lah,leya lah,kau jangan takut,kau itu lebih baik dari temanmu,dia ga pinter,lah kamu,pinter,tunjukkan dirimu lewat kepintaranmu,jgn takut,oh ya denger denger kau mau open channel yak,nnti ku subkrek ya,,,dadaaaa